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Toby Mcquire puts the green light on Robotech

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July 1, 2006
Posts: 862

PostPosted:     Post subject: Toby Mcquire puts the green light on Robotech
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Quote: If our very own John Lucas can have his WiiDS Phenomenon, than the world of cinema can have it's own "Transformers" one. We all knew this revolution was coming, and a few smarty pants out there probably divined its inevitability from the signs foretold in the heavens, a deck of cards, or jar of peanut butter. Regardless, we're in the midst of a revolution in Hollywood the likes of which we haven't seen since the earliest days of "Star Wars" envy. If you've got an action cartoon, anime, or remotely popular franchise ripe for the picking, then chances are we'll be seeing those adventures on the big-screen sometime soon.

The latest entry into this once-exclusive club comes from a surprising source, and an even more surprising element. After thrilling fans in a pair of tights for years, Peter Parker himself (Toby Mcguire) is looking to produce and possibly star in a big-budget, live-action version of the insanely popular "Robotech" series. One of the most influential animated series of all time, Robotech hails from a radically different anime-inspired generation, and was one of the few franchises that was able to survive the transition, translation, and subsequent airing onto American television from that strange decade we now refer to the as the '80s. It's fans are rabid, and I'm betting cash money that if placed in a cage with fans of a certain "Evangelion" franchise, would leave nothing but tiny, replica scraps. Nasty.

As mentioned above, the official report has Mcguire "eyeing a lead role" for the possibly franchise, which could be just the thing to fill in the empty space that a certain web-crawler once occupied. Drew Crevello is tipped to produce, while scribe Craig Zahler is handling screenwriting responsibilities. It looks like everyone is taking this one pretty seriously, as the race to create the next-big-franchise is reaching fever-pitch. But if you're in need of a quote, we've got one for you:
"We are very excited to bring 'Robotech' to the big screen...There is a rich mythology that will be a great foundation for a sophisticated, smart and entertaining film." - Toby Mcguire


Well Transformers proved that the FX people can do it
but who will sing "This Last Battle- We will Win" ? I think Britney won't be doing much for a while

Will someone shut that man up
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